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My Community, Your Community, Our Community

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Barack Obama- 44th President, "Although we may come from vastly different stories and very different walks of life, we are one people who possess common values and common ideals: who celebrate individual excellence but also share a recognition that together, we can't accomplish alone." 

"You cannot speak that which you do not know. You cannot share that which you do not feel. You cannot translate that which you do not have. And you cannot give that which you do not possess. To give it and to share it, and for it to be effective, you first need to have it. Good communication starts with good preparation." -Jim Rohn

"It is one of the most beautiful compensations of this life that no man sincerely try to help another without helping himself." -Ralf Waldo Emerson, 1803-1882

"Too attractive people, you must be attractive. To attract powerful people, you must be powerful. To attract committed people, you must be committed. Instead of going to work on them, you go to work on yourself. If you become, you can attract." -Jim Rohn

"It is worth a thousand pounds a year to have the habit of looking on the bright side of things. "Dr. Samuel Johnson, 1709-1784 The People Store LLC. want you to start everyday with "Today is going to be a great day" to direct your brains to find what is right rather than what is wrong. Encourage the population to love their bodies and the bodies of their children and protect them at all costs. Teaching people that getting help is a sign of strength not weakness. Learn How To Win The War For Your Life!


( Personal Responsibility, By Jim Rohn )


Take advice, but not orders, Only give your- 

self orders. Abraham Lincoln once said, 

"Since I will be no one's slave, I will be no

one's master."


You must take personal responsibility. You 

cannot change the circumstances,  the

seasons, or the wind, but you can change

yourself. That is something you have charge 

of.  You don't have charge of the 

constellations, but you do have charge of

whether you read, develop new skills, and 

take new classes.


Your paycheck is not your employer's

responsibility, it's your responsibility. 

Your employer has no control over your 

value, but you do. 


It is easier to blame the government than it 

is your own philosophy.

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